
What all do I want to change

I want to make new standards.

For example, changing from Spotify to my "Cloud" Fediverse won't make a difference.
Fediverse should not become so duplicated either.

For this, I will have to create a new standard for music streaming in the first place.
And to avoid fragmentation, I will have to create a religion that defines the principles of aesthetics.

A religion with multiple Metaphysical models.
This is the same as the diverse communities of India in spirit. Except, most of the scriptures are written in Sanskrit (which is a dense language) or are simple traditions for an older and simpler way of life, and the people are seeking for the ways of their ancestors than trying to live in the moment with truths that they can infer and validate themselves.

Then I'll also have to create a protocol for the internet too.
And further for the various wired and wireless network access technologies.

Further, I will have to design the digital signal modulators and demodulators.
For that I will have to design integrated chips.
For that I will have to design the blocks that comprise the integrated chip.
And I will have to design the implementations of those blocks.

Then I will have to create the manufacturing technologies for chip fabrication and making components.
For that, I will have to create simpler automated machining devices.
For that, I will have to use other automated machining devices.
For that, I will have to use simpler manual machining tools.
For that, I will have to use simpler metal tooling.
For that, I will have to use other metal tooling.
For that, I will have to use simpler bronze tooling.
For that, I will have to use other bronze tooling.
For that, I will have to use simpler copper tooling.
For that, I will have to use other copper tooling.
For that, I will have to use simpler stone tooling.
For that, I will have to use other stone tooling.
For that, I will have to use stones.

Then, I will have to obtain the pure materials for the required quality standards to make tools.
For that, I will have to create a refinery for the specific materials.
For that, I will have to create large machines to help with the construction.
For that, I will use smaller machines.

Then I will have to obtain the ores to obtain the pure materials from.
For that, I will have to mine the ores
For that, I will need large machines and tools
I will also need safety equipment for physical safety and chemical safety.

For that, I will have to design chemical safe suits and respirators.
For that, I will have to design plastic and glass chambers.
For that, I will have to design biodegradable plastic.
For that, I will have to design plastic.
I will also have to design glass.
And further, I will have to study the chemistry of toxicity.

Construction Theory

Everything is construction.
Construction involves technical design and artistic design.
There is no divine formula.

However, since we are people,
Also, even beyond culture, there are some things that we'll have preferences to because of our nature.

For example, a fish wouldn't like to wear a shirt, because it breathes through its skin.
However, people would want to wear one, because otherwise they'll get too sweaty.

Principles of Aesthetics.
Beautiful Elements.
Beautiful Patterns.

Construction of Meals.
Technical Design of Meals.
Artistic Design of Meals.

Construction of Buildings.
Technical Design of Buildings.
Artistic Design of Buildings.

Construction of Water Treatment Plants.
Technical Design of Water Treatment Plants.
Artistic Design of Water Treatment Plants.

Public Services
Construction of Public Services.
Distribution of Supplies.

(Other Aspect: Lingua Franca)
(Differences in Languages)
("Elder Brother", "Younger Brother" versus just "Brother")

Personal Defense.
Civil Defense.

Even if you did not want to defend yourself against humans, we must be open to the possibility of an alien life form attacking us.
This is possible in case of miscommunications, irrational behavior or if it more like a phenomena than a life form.
For example, it could be a meteor shower.

Who will fight in this case?
The answer is whoever is willing to do so.
Because, remember, each life is of the same value as the other.

What matters is that whoever fights is skilled enough to fight.
And as for those who refuse to fight, there should be no superiority in one party over the others.

As for miscommunications regarding fighting.

(Should one fight? Yes they must. For example, it could be an invasive species like Lions entering human habitat. Or it could be cockroaches)
(Aesthetics - can be used to justify how far other beings can live with humans)

(Other Aspect: Take care of your health)
(What about those who do not take care of their health and waste hospital time?)

(Other Aspect: Intellectual Property)
I do not care where the original idea came from. This is a compendium of all the knowledge that is beneficial to humanity.

I cannot respect intellectual property rights from a religious perspective for the same reason I cannot respect the right to steal. But I can follow it within India, because that is the will of the people of India. Nor will I be infringing upon any such property within this book, aside from what's considered fair use.

(Other Aspect: Truth vs Aphorism)
Vector Spaces are Truths.
But Euclidian Geometry is an Aphorism, based on Euclid's Axioms.
Geometry itself is a Truth.
Euclidian Geometry Comes under Geometry itself.
The same applies for sub-tenets of Euclidian Geometry.
Similarly, Newton's Laws are an Aphorism.
But the Laws of Gravitation are truths.

In other words, our truths are based on aphorisms.
But we must never confuse and aphorism with the truth.
That will result in us, for example, considering Newton's Laws as the true laws, even when Einstein's Laws predict it better.

I prove that the truth is non-inferrable by a human, in the same way as light is the property of space when it is not curved. In order to know the truth, one must be at one with the mind of god. But once you return to the world, you will only have a memory of the truth.

God will not be able to tell you "the truth" in your language, because God knows no language. Language is a form of communication based on our limitations, but in the world of God, there is no such limitations. Instead, what we can do is transfer our understanding into language.

But as we do it, our mind becomes lost in the world of language, and the truth becomes forgotten. The true analogy for this is that you can enjoy a tour, and you can explain the tour, but your explanation will never be able to pass on the enjoyment in the same manner. But you can give them a glimpse, and let them live out the world in their own minds, and have their own experiences.

But if you have questions about why they felt that way and not in other way, you must know that it is because that was their experience, and this is your experience, had you been in their place, based on what all you know.

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